I would like to thank all of you Michelle’s Cupcakes friends for your loyalty and trust you put into our baking skills. Let's hope for many more years!

Same day delivery available! Simply send us a request via email and give us a quick phone call for same day delivery. All we need is your order, the delivery address + contact phone number. We deliver Monday - Saturday within a 2 hours slot of your choice. Payment via TWINT, Paypal or Ebanking. 

8001 - 8064 CHF 20.00
Other zones, price upon request
MO - FR 8 AM - 4 PM / SA 10 AM - 4 PM

Tel. 043 321 33 33
Mail info@michellescupcakes.ch

Michelle's Cupcakes @ The Jelmoli Food Market "The Bakery - Best of Zürich" also offers a wide selection of Michelle's Cupcakes

Das Kuchen Schlachtfeld hat ein Ende. Cupcakes sei Dank. Mit einem Cupcake Wedding Tower erhält jeder Gast sein eigenes Küchlein und kann damit sogar wieder ab auf die Tanzfläche. Gerne beraten wir euch im Main Store über die vielen Möglichkeiten mit Cupcakes eure Hochzeit zu versüssen. Herzlichst, Michelle

Rent a Cake Stand
Ihr plant einen Sweet Table für eure Party? Die passenden Tortenplatten, Etageren und Cookie-Aufbewahrungsgläser können bei Michelle's Cupcakes auch gemietet werden. Preis auf Anfrage. Ausserdem findet ihr im Store die passenden Accessoires wie Paper Straws- und Becher. 

Thursday Special

Salted Caramel 
Chocolate Cake with salted caramel fleur de Sel Topping 

Weekend Special

Thursday: Salted Caramel
Friday: Salted Caramel Popcorn
Saturday: Snickers

Available at our Flagship Store, Luisenstrasse 19, 8005 Zürich

Saturday Special

Snickers Cupcakes. Available every Saturday at our Flagship Store, Luisenstrasse 19, Kreis 5, Zürich

Weekend Special

Thursday: Salted Caramel
Friday: Salted Caramel Popcorn
Saturday: Snickers

Available at our Flagship Store, Luisenstrasse 19, 8005 Zürich

Friday Special

Popcorn Cupcakes. Available every Friday at our Flagship Store, Luisenstrasse 19, Kreis 5, Zürich


Customize your Cupcake
Say it with cupcakes. Your logo, your message on a Cupcake. Let the Cupcakes speak for you. Call us for more information: 043 321 33 33

Love message cupcake

CHF 7.50 
CHF 4.50 Mini

Order her/his favourite Cupcake with an edible LOVE YOU topper


Customize your Cupcake
Say it with cupcakes. Your logo, your message on a Cupcake. Let the Cupcakes speak for you. Call us for more information: 043 321 33 33


Our Happy Birthday Cupcake for CHF 8.50 includes 
Regular sized Cupcake
Happy Birthday Toppper
Candle of choice 
Bulky sprinkling (possible for orders)


Our Happy Birthday Cupcake for CHF 8.50 includes 
Regular sized Cupcake
Happy Birthday Toppper
Candle of choice 
Bulky sprinkling (possible for orders)


Choose between Baby Girl and Baby Boy - CHF 7.50
Babygirl standard flavour: Raspberry or Vanilla upon request
Babyboy standard flavour: Vanilla
Babygirl or Babyboy Topper available
Extra Sprinkles upon requst

Vegan Box

Vegan Mini Cupacakes Box
CHF 30.00

Enjoy 10 different Vegan Cupcakes. YUMM


Business hours

Luisenstrasse 19, Kreis 5
Di - Fr: 11:00 - 16:00
Samstag: 10:00 - 16:00 
Montag: Open für Pick-up von Vorbestellungen
Lieferoption: Montag - Samstag

Secret heart cupcake

CHF 8.50
On request single wrapped, Secret Heart Cupcake. Cut it in half and a heart will appear. Show your love also on "normal" days

Choose your flavor:
Vegan Vanilla


Vegan Special - minimum 5-7 flavors

As for our Vegan Cupcakes, we now give you a daily choise of minimum 5-7 flavors. So more Yummies for all our Vegan & Non Vegan Friends. 



Now at Jelmoli

Find best of Zürich baked goods at The Bakery, Jelmoli Food Market & Breitling Bar including best of Michelle's Cupcakes mini and big, more than 6 flavors daily


The Flagship Store & Bakery
A sweet temple for you. Cupaakes, Brownies, Cookies, Gelati, Milkshakes, Dalgona Coffee and more. Let us sweeten you up...

Michelle's Cupcakes Gutschein

Schenke einen Gutschein für Michelle's Cupcakes. Der Betrag ist frei wählbar und der Gutschein ist gültig für das gesamte Cupcakes & Waren Angebot. 


Röstlabor Coffee

Bei uns servieren wir Kaffee aus Kaffeebohnen No 7 vom Röstlabor Höngg Zürich, Ein blend aus: Arabica & Robusta - voller Körper, Dunkle Schokolade, Haselnuss und Süsse Himbeere. Röstlabor says: "Unsere N. 07 ist nicht nur unsere Glückszahl sondern sie bringt dem Kaffeebauer auch mindestens 40% mehr Lohn für seine harte Arbeit"